Living and dying is a miracle.
A wild, and crazy process that is one of the main underlying aspects that maintain across humanity, across all species, across the cosmos.
So small and insignificant compared to the cosmos. Yet no life is insignificant. All of life has worth and value. Intrinsically, just for existing. In tandem, we also give life meaning. Choose our reasons worth stepping our feet out of our warm blankets and onto the cold floor every sunrise. Our reasons churn our waters and help us dip our fingers into higher levels.
Death is also a paradox in that while it is the one true certainty,
it tends to remain uncertain for when and how it will happen.
Life is fragile, and also resilient. While a life can be lost, in the same breath, one can be formed.
Life will live on in all other living things, even when lost to one living being.
Yet that individual’s soul, everything that makes them uniquely who they are, will never return.
That’s the bittersweet beauty of it.
Forever, their memories and essence will energetically remain within our hearts and brain. All that has come and past lays to rest in layers of our ash and stardust. The ones that build up our bodies and form our paths.
Collective memory is consciousness, energy, storing our knowledge and emotions. Giving us an opportunity to pool our wisdom. Swim deeper into our ocean of oneness and knowingness. Free dive into the understanding that while one lap has been completed, there is a vast amount of distance left to cover.
